A°MEN Magazine is a fashion magazine that focuses on contemporary menswear trends while highlighting male Asian beauty and masculinity hoping to break stereotypes produced by the Western media. Usually portrayed as side characters or if not typecasted roles such as the geeky classmate or the martial arts master, Asian males have always been deprived of the spotlight. This can significantly correlate as to why Asian men are considered to be the opposite sex to be the least desirable male group according to various surveys. This magazine will put this minority group in the forefront and tell their stories as well. Besides "Amen" as a religious interjection meaning "truly," the name of the magazine means "A-Class Men" and "Asian Men" along with "Eh! Men" as a shout out to its Canadian roots. The idea of the magazine is to put the Asian male centerstage instead of being often marginalized and shine a light on the different aspects of their entity all the whilst showing off relevant fashion trends and contemporary menswear. For this project, the primary target audience are ages 18-30 years old. With this in mind, the design approach had boldness and modernity as the priority. The idea was to use a colour palette relevant to the time of the publication with a bold orange running through the editorial as a common theme. There is also wit in the design as I believe that this audience would appreciate this and make the magazine feel relatable as this age group would want. This is most present in the article where the text synergizes with the images. Photography by Martie Hechanova